We invite you to submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation, or a symposia (3 speakers or alternative format) proposal for a 1.5 hour session on a topic related to the conference theme. Submission instructions are provided below.
All abstracts or symposia proposal must be submitted by midnight on Monday, 29th January 2024.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Abstract submissions are invited for oral or poster presentations. All submitted abstract must contain original data. The scientific program committee will make the final decision regarding oral or poster presentation by the end of January 2024. Authors should indicate preference for oral or poster communication. Oral presentations cannot be guaranteed.
Abstract Guidelines
Abstracts must be submitted in English and presented in that language.
The length of the abstract should not exceed 300 words (excluding title, authors and affiliations).
The abstract should be structured to include the following subheadings:
Authors (first name and surname):
All abstracts should be submitted via email to Dawn Haan at dawnhaan@gmail.com by midnight Monday, 16th January 2024.
Poster Requirements
First authors must be registered. There are no other requirements other than size:
841 mm x 1189 mm or 33.1 inches x 46.8 inches.
Application for Symposia
ISNAMH is pleased to announce that a limited number of submitted symposia will be included in the scientific program for the 2024 meeting to be held in San Diego from April 29 to May 1, 2024.
ISNAMH invites you to submit a 1.5 hour symposium proposal that should include 3 speakers (3 x 25 minutes presentations + 5 minutes Q&A) or an alternative platform of a debate, round table, or panel discussion on a topic relevant to the theme of the meeting. Speakers should be from at least two countries.
All speakers are responsible for their costs to attend the meeting and are required to register and pay the registration fee.
Symposia abstracts successfully submitted will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Those proposals with the highest scores will be included in the program of the meeting. Combined participation of senior and junior researchers is encouraged.
All symposium proposals should be submitted via email to Dawn Haan at dawnhaan@gmail.com by midnight Monday, 29th January 2024.
Symposia Guidelines
Symposium Title
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2:
Speaker 3:
Symposium Proposal:
(Name and contact information)
(Name and affiliation)
(Name, contact information, and title of presentation)
(Name, contact information, and title of presentation)
(Name, contact information, and title of presentation)
(2500 characters with space)