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Apply for Trainee Travel Grant

We are accepting applications to support a graduate or post-doctoral student’s travel to the 11th International Symposium on Nutrition Aspects of Musculoskeletal Health meeting in San Diego, CA. An award of up to $US2000 that includes 3 nights accommodation, discounted registration, and some funds for travel expenses. To apply, please submit a single pdf file containing items 1-3 listed below to Please ask one referee to submit a confidential letter of recommendation on your behalf (see item 4 below for details).


Applications should contain the following information:

  1. A cover letter from the student that includes the approximate costs for the meeting (registration, travel, accommodation), and the type of presentation to be given (poster or oral.)  Please briefly explain the relevance of the conference and/or your work to the field of osteoporosis, sarcopenia, falls and/or fractures (e.g., genetics, menopause, and associated diseases with their treatments, influence of nutrition on bone and muscle health, development of bone, prevention of osteoporosis, falls or fractures), and why attending this particular meeting will be beneficial to your professional development.

  2. A copy of the abstract of your presentation.

  3. A statement from your major Professor or mentor indicating that he/she supports your attendance at this meeting and that sufficient lab funds exist to cover all costs above the travel award.

  4. A confidential letter of recommendation on your behalf from someone other than your major professor


Student Applications must be submitted by Friday 15th December, 2023 at the time of abstract submission. Award will be presented/announced at the meeting.

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